For beginners and masters

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Курсы Bgacenter

Start 7 April

Ремонт электронных плат

Очные курсы по ремонту электронных плат, в Санкт-Петербурге. Обучение диагностике и восстановлению электронных модулей. Обучаем персонал компаний ремонту электроники.

30% скидка
Start 14 April

Обучение ремонту частотных преобразователей

Очные курсы по ремонту преобразователей частоты в Санкт-Петербурге. Обучение диагностике и наладке частотных преобразователей. Обучаем персонал компаний техническому обслуживанию и ремонту преобразователей частоты.

30% скидка
Start 27 February

Phone Repair Training

Replacement of battery, display, cables, phone and tablet cases. iOS and Android firmware. Basics of BGA soldering

Start 31 March

Курсы по электротехнике

Очные курсы по электротехнике в Санкт-Петербурге. Обучение теоретическим основам электротехники. Профессиональная переподготовка. Электротехника для чайников: Закон Ома, Кирхгоффа, электронная база компонентов.

Start 6 March

Soldering training

Board diagnostics, circuit reading, soldering of bga chips, cleaning of the compound, restoration of nickels and tracks

Start 27 February

Electronics Training

The electronics basics training program is designed for beginners to understand electrical and radio engineering.


Почему мы?

Обучение и стажировка в сервисном центре

Starting from day 1, you immediately start practicing. Much faster you will learn both diagnostics and circuit design and soldering of boards, studying in an existing service center

Трудоустройство в сервисные центры

Upon successful completion of training and passed qualification exams, you will be able to find a job in an electronics repair service center. Applications from which are constantly received by Bgacenter
Компенсация обучения

Возврат 13% налога за обучение

After completing any training program at bgacenter, you can receive a tax deduction for training

Лицензированное обучение

Bgacenter is the official training center for phone repair, diagnostics and BGA soldering. We issue documents on education

Работаем с юридическими лицами

You can pay for the training of your employees by bank transfer. And get the relevant accounting documents

Бесплатная поддержка и сопровождение

Upon completion of the training, you can always apply for a free consultation at the training center. Different communication options allow you to do this quickly

Возможность работать в другой стране

There are English-speaking teachers. We also issue educational documents in English

Обучение подростков
от 14 лет

Bgacenter teachers have not only special, but also pedagogical education. Quite often we have courses for schoolchildren and students

Оплата за обучение возможна с помощью рассрочки

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Благодарственные письма

Благодарственное письмо Рольф для Bgacenter
Благодарственное письмо ВНИИМ им. Менделеева

Курсы по ремонту электроники в действующем сервисном центре

Electronics repair courses

Обучаем уже более 8 лет

We are a licensed training center, we are engaged in professional training of specialists in phone repair, diagnostics, circuit engineering and soldering of bga motherboards of phones and laptops.

The School of Electronics operates on the basis of License No. 2876 for educational activities.

We train not only beginners, but also already working masters who want to master all the necessary knowledge to work in this field.

more about us

Reviews of graduates

Training in repairing iPhone motherboards


BGA Reballing Training


Liyon France

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We will help nonresidents with housing!
You will see everything with your own eyes, ask questions and be able to make an informed decision
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