Phone repair and Circuit board Soldering Master

Every manager is familiar with the issue of providing their service center (even if it is a small workshop) with professional employees.


This problem is especially acute when expansion is required with growing demand, or there is a problem of increasing the level and expanding the range of services. So there is a vacancy for a “phone repair master” or a student in the same direction. But there may be too many people who want to and not of the best quality.


How to find your “lefty” and not waste time on unskilled mountain masters? The training center for repairing phones, laptops and soldering boards “Bgacenter” offers two solutions at once.

Для работодателей

Train your master with us

If you already have an employee who suits you as an executive, punctual, decent person? However, if he lacks qualifications, you can send him to the training center for training. With a convenient schedule of visits and location in St. Petersburg, he will be able to continue to perform his duties, as they say “on the job”.

The training itself is aimed at developing practical skills in diagnostics and repair, as well as forming a clear understanding of the principles of board diagnostics and circuit design.

As a result, you will receive a master who (depending on the chosen course) he will be able not only to competently accept the device for repair, but also to perform everything that a repair master should do for cell phones or laptops, tablets, Apple equipment, as well as to carry out soldering, repair of motherboards.

Reduce the dependence on the employee

Often the owners of service centers for the repair of electronics become dependent on a professional master.

For example, when a service employee performs complex repairs and he is the only one in the service. Some masters, not all of them, may have a “star disease”, while it is possible to break the schedule, unilaterally change the initial financial agreements, etc. They say a person is “starred”. In this case, it is useful to have another specialist in the service center, in order not to depend on one “irreplaceable super-specialist”.

Choose among Bgacenter graduates

If you are just starting a phone repair business, there is often no one to send for training. In this case, you can choose a specialist among the graduates of the training center.

All students, without exception, pass a mandatory certification at the end of classes, and receive a Certificate – an official document confirming their knowledge and skills in repair and soldering. The presence of a document from your specialist can be an undeniable advantage over competitors.

As an employer, it is enough for you to inform the Bgacenter administrator that he has vacancies for “an apprentice of a phone repair master” or others, specify the requirements.

In a few days, the head of a service center or workshop will be able to find a competent professional. Bgacenter often trains craftsmen from other regions, so we cooperate with service centers from other cities.

Why us?

  • The only narrow-profile training center, operating on the basis of an educational license
  • The training is aimed at developing skills, forming knowledge and understanding of the operation of electronic devices and motherboards, basic knowledge of electronics and radio engineering. As a result, the master can deal with almost any model or brand of phone or tablet
  • In the room where the training is conducted, there are various equipment, from budget to premium class. Each master works out the techniques of working on real devices and with the equipment that is available in any workshop
  • If you are a large (possibly state-owned) company, then we have experience in training employees of such organizations. To clarify the details, you will be transferred to the contract department.

If you need a good phone repair master, we will be able to close the vacancies of your service center or workshop, and we will provide you with really decent personnel. You can also train your masters and increase their level.

Leave a vacancy or enroll a master for training

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