About Bgacenter

Мы — лицензированный учебный центр (Лицензия №2876). С 2014 года профессионально занимаемся  подготовкой специалистов по ремонту мобильной электроники, ноутбуков, импульсных блоков питания, сварочных инверторов, преобразователей частоты и другой электроники.

О Bgacenter

Постоянно cоздаем профессиональные курсы

Максим Исаев
The demand for phone and laptop repair specialists is constantly growing, so we are really interested in high-quality training.

Our goal is to provide practical knowledge in diagnostics and circuit engineering and repair skills.
Maxim Isaev, Head of the Training Center
write to the manager

Bgacenter Teachers —

these are the current masters of the electronics repair service center. Working in the service, they themselves perform complex repairs of the system boards of the iPhone and iPad, and Macbook. Many of them have not only special, but also pedagogical education.

We teach beginners and masters

Современное оборудование

Современное оборудование

We provide only modern equipment and software for teaching our students
Индивидуальный подход

Индивидуальный подход

We adapt the training programs for each student, taking into account the initial level of knowledge, goals and wishes
Учим по лицензии

Учим по лицензии

After successful completion of the course, graduates receive a certificate of the established sample — an official document on education


Masters who have received a specialty in the training center can easily get a job in service centers for repairing phones and laptops and in service centers of Apple, Samsung and Xiaomi companies

Sign up for a trial class

The first lesson in Bgacenter is free, even if you are from another city. Having come to it, you will appreciate the modern equipment of the school of electronics, ask questions to the teachers, feel for yourself how suitable the quality of training is for you and will make an informed decision on the spot

Reviews of graduates

Обучение ремонту компьютеров


г. Курск

We share useful information in articles and videos

In their blog, Bgacenter teachers share professional secrets and instructions, as well as provide support to graduates in a closed chat and messengers

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